
And he said goodbye.Because what was didn’t matter anymore.A new chapter will be going to start; And he was ready.And he could breathe again.And the future look brighter than he ever imagined.His collections of scattered thought; ripples in the brainThe language free.To write; to express.To feel as real on paper as the solid mass you … More πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’

Love is undefined!! You need to find the defination!!!

Love isn’t given meaning until felt. To some, love is painful, because they had been hurt too much. To some, love is sacrifice, because they’ve given too much. See what I mean? Love does not have a definite meaning, love is something you give meaning to. And you give meaning as how you experience it. … More Love is undefined!! You need to find the defination!!!

What is life ?

Life is full of complexion…Life is unpredictable…. Life is up to God…I said this because I believe in God… We grow everyday…So for us everyday is a task… Some can follow some are not … It’s definitely up to the person.. as we say time heals and wait for the right time but do you … More What is life ?

Love is never lost

Letting go doesn’t mean that you don’t care about someone anymore. It’s just realizing that the only person you really have control over is yourself and every single day, do something that makes your heart sing. Watching you walk out of my life does not make me bitter or cynical about love. But rather makes … More Love is never lost

Final Goodbye

This is my goodbye. I cant keep letting myself feel inadequate bc of the way you treat me. After all of the questioning i have done. Wondering if it was worth it. Ive finally made up my mind. I can feel that you do not enjoy my company. I can see the disinterest on your … More Final Goodbye


I’m really confused.. whether to hold the hands of my future or still go back and recover my past…whether to search for the future I wanted or to give life to my past…whether to celebrate happy that I’m getting a new life or to feel bad for what I left behind..

The end

That feeling when something’s over and you know it’s not going to start again Or even if it starts again, it won’t be the same. This feeling is unique. You’re glad you finally got to the end, but you’re sad at the thought that you’ll never experience it again. “For every door that closes another … More The end

I wish I could

I wish I could write clearly about memories of the past; because God knows I have many. But a strange phenomenon is happening. Either I have locked my memories far far away or I have forgotten them.